On cernatic music system, we have at least two types of raghas, Janaka Ragha and Janya Ragha. Janaka Ragha possessed several nicknames such as Mother Ragha Malakartha.
Overall we have two important parts of one of them is called regular or aarohana ascending and decending the second is called regular or avarohana. Mother Ragha is the scale of all the seven notes are arranged in increasing perfect and the same seven notes are organized and arranged in decending perfect shape.
In our cernatic music system as a whole has 16 records with different combinations. The malakarthas formed and in this record there are approximately 72 malakarthas system. Then 72 malakarthas subdivided into 2 groups. The first group numbered 36 malakarthas the suddha madhyama 36 malakarthas malakarthas and the second is prithi madhyama. some other way is 1 to 36 malakarthas is suddha madhyamam and 37 to 72 malakarthas using prithi madhyamam.
All 72 malakarthas divided into 12 chakra and each chakra has a 6 malakarthas. So the total number of overall we get as many as 72 malakarthas. The first group of six chakra is the chakra madhyama suddha then 6 second chakra is prithi madhyama.
To shadjam and Panchmam is a constant note. In Rishabham, Gandhram, Divatham and Nishadham has three different types as in Madhyamam we have two different types. Overall, all record lows malakartha first formed with all the records of the highest positions to form 72 malakartha. This is called recognition system 72 malakartha.
Apart from these malakartha 72, all other raghas Janya Raghas as we also have a different classification in each particular section. Everything must be handled separately. The conclusion is that music is music cernatic a very ancient and it has been handled differently by different teachers. at the core of this music is the same subject, though done by a different approach.